Is Your Pine Tree Infested or Dying?
Over the past few months, Boyd’s Tree Service has noticed that many of the pine trees in the area have been dying due to bark beetle infestation and lack of water.
Bark beetles are known to weaken and kill pine trees. The advanced infestation of beetles deteriorating pines has been accelerated due to the lack of winter rains. The result has been many pines in the area are loosing limbs and/or dying suddenly. Removing these dead pines sooner than later is highly recommended since they can become very brittle, unsafe and hard to take down safely.
Below are a few pictures of unhealthy pines in the Saratoga area. The pine tree on the right turned from very green to an unhealthy and dangerous tree within just a few short weeks. If you would like a consultation for a pine in your yard, Boyd's Tree Service would be happy to come out and give you a recommendation regarding your tree.

Unhealthy Pine w/ Slight Browning On Inner Limbs
Unhealthy & Extremely Dangerous Pine